Sunday, November 15


Half of November is gone, christmas is coming soon, another year is going to be over soonzxzxz.
Internship will then come, which is going to cut short my three months of holidays to only two months. :/
Honestly, I'm pretty scared about internship.
Idk where I'll get to be attached to, idk what kinda things I have to do, & the commitments too.
Everything, every single thing that is even possible to think of, I'm scared about it.

After this semester, it's going to be my third year.
Cool shiatzxzx, third year? I feel like as if I'm still in year one know. I just miss the freedom that we all had when we're still year one.
Oh well, we're all another step closer to the real and cruel society as each day passes. What to do?
The hardest truth in life. \m/

Homygod, I like looking at my daily grades now. I don't think I deserve the grades seriously, but those gave me the motivation to go to school and talk and talk in class be in it I understand anything or not. Nyeheheheheheh.

I have a boring Sunday. Boring blog with boring posts. Hard to keep this blog alive anymore these days. I think I'm typing stuffs like what a secondary school kid will type on her blog. Hahahaha.

Did I feel it even before I know it'll happen? But then there has to be a reason for that.
I'm broke I'm broke I'm broke that I find myself so pitiful. FML.
I wonder where my money all goes to. I want to get a job but I don't want to.
This is how contradicting my life is.
Actually, I was wondering if my stand is right or wrong. Sometimes I make myself think too much that I didn't realise I was out of the world for some time. Then when I'm trying to come back, everybody doesn't seem to know me anymore.
I bet I've been changing a lot, I can't stop these changes from changing in me, but I am still who I am.
Things get harder to be tolerated after repeatedly happening for quite a lot of times. Idk how long I am able to let these happen. If I let them come and go, solve them so easily, then why did I even find those as problems right from the start? Idk. I undestand myself very well that I can never ever express myself as good as others can.
Maybe it's because I have a smaller dictionary to do that. But sometimes it can be a good thing that you can't express yourself well too, because I don't really like to be a blunt person. :/

I think I'm jumping all around saying from things to things, thongs to thongs, thungs to thungs. Thing thong thung.
Told you this post is redundant. You'll definitely roll your eyes after reading finish everything.
Bah, School again tomorrow.
UT for consecutive three days. & Financal accounting's one tomorrow. Gosh, I need countless prayers to bless me to at least know how to answer a question. :S

Bye world.

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