Sunday, January 31

What do you think of me as a friend?

No need to even bother answering, because I'm starting to realise it.
Because I've been neglecting, I received it doubled trippled back.
Gosh, have I changed?

Haven't seen the two queen of Ms for the longest time, where have y'all been?
& that doesn't mean I forgot about you, you, you, and there, you.
I just can't bring myself to do it.

Ferran, I think I should just go climbing with you. But I'm still very lazyyyyyyyyyyy. How?

I really like playing soccer.
I love the girls.
I love trainings.
I love the jokes and laughters and chillin' times.
Then I realise, did I mange it well after all?
Others can, I can't.
But I always thought it's impossible unless you're just half-hearted.

Har? I don't understand what I'm saying. -.-
A pretty long day today.
Gonna be another one tomorrow.
Cookie cookie all day long!

Miss you Moley.

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