Tuesday, March 9

Is it true that every staff who's going to work at RWS has to to go through a two-day induction programme?

Hahahhaha. Oh well, the whole programme isn't that bad actually.
The real staff training programme. My first time.
In all, it was pretty fun.
Ah! It's my first time attending programme with people from different ages too! Hahahahha!
The trainers were (Y). These two days I never fall asleep at all know!
Usually during talks, I'll be the first to fall asleep. Hehehe.
& The programme ended with this game. Which I thought was really clever of them to actually think of such a game. Hahaha.

Hey apple!
I'm pretty excited to enter RWS, USS tomorrow. Because idk what I expect when I see what I see there, the attractions described by the trainees there sounds so :O, & idk what I'm supposed to do there too!
Oh ya, my photo on my card is so ugly. I have to carry that ugly face for 6 months.
Why can't they just use my passport size photo? I wasted 8 bucks for it know! -.-

These two days are really tiring. But I still reach home early. (Y)
& I have to wash off my pretty purple nails already! Boohooooo.

I miss Ms. :(

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